Anza is also the first site in Africa, and the fourth in the world, to contain footprints of theropods and carnivorous pterosaurs. These 323 authenticated dinosaur footprints are visible every day at low tide.


The discovery of prehistoric footprints always captivates the imagination and curiosity of both scientists and the general public alike. The ancient imprints left behind by creatures that roamed the Earth millions of years ago serve as a tangible link to a bygone era, providing valuable insights into the behavior and ecology of these long-extinct animals. Anza, a site located in Africa, has recently emerged as a significant paleontological treasure trove, with the unearthing of remarkable footprints belonging to theropods and carnivorous pterosaurs. This groundbreaking discovery not only sheds light on the prehistoric fauna of the African continent but also contributes to the global understanding of dinosaur evolution and behavior.

Anza a Historic Site

Anza, situated in Africa, has garnered worldwide attention for being the first of its kind in the continent and the fourth in the world to preserve the footprints of theropods and carnivorous pterosaurs. The site boasts a collection of 323 authenticated dinosaur footprints, which are unveiled to visitors during low tide. These well-preserved footprints offer a rare glimpse into the ancient past, allowing researchers and enthusiasts to study and appreciate the behaviors of these prehistoric creatures.

The Theropods and Pterosaurs of Anza

The footprints found at Anza primarily belong to theropods, a group of carnivorous dinosaurs that included the infamous Tyrannosaurus rex and Velociraptor. These bipedal predators were characterized by their sharp teeth, powerful jaws, and agile bodies, making them formidable hunters in their prime. Additionally, the presence of footprints belonging to carnivorous pterosaurs further enriches the paleontological significance of Anza. Pterosaurs, often referred to as “flying reptiles,” were the first vertebrates to evolve powered flight and dominated the skies during the Mesozoic era.

Implications for Paleontology and Evolutionary Studies

The discovery of these prehistoric footprints at Anza holds immense significance for the field of paleontology and evolutionary biology. By studying the size, stride, and arrangement of the footprints, scientists can gain valuable insights into the locomotion, behavior, and social dynamics of these ancient creatures. Furthermore, the presence of such well-preserved footprints in Africa contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the global distribution of dinosaur species during the Mesozoic era.

Preservation and Accessibility

Efforts to preserve and protect the footprints at Anza are of paramount importance to ensure that future generations can continue to marvel at this invaluable paleontological heritage. Establishing measures to safeguard the site from natural erosion, human interference, and environmental degradation is essential to maintain the integrity of the footprints for scientific study and public appreciation. Additionally, initiatives to enhance accessibility and educational outreach programs can foster a deeper appreciation for paleontology and natural history among the public.


The discovery of 323 authenticated dinosaur footprints at Anza represents a significant milestone in the field of paleontology, offering a rare glimpse into the behaviors and interactions of prehistoric theropods and carnivorous pterosaurs. As the first site in Africa to preserve such footprints, Anza stands as a testament to the rich paleontological heritage of the continent and the global significance of its prehistoric fauna. Through continued research, preservation, and public engagement, Anza has the potential to inspire future generations of scientists and enthusiasts, unraveling the mysteries of Africa’s ancient past and contributing to our understanding of dinosaur evolution and behavior.

In summary, the footprints at Anza provide a window into a world long gone, offering a unique opportunity to connect with the distant past and appreciate the awe-inspiring diversity of life that once thrived on our planet.

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